We Have Moved! Our new address is Front Office, 3rd Floor, 6-8 Castle Street, Liverpool, L2 0NB.

Professional Defence

At Hogan Brown we undertake white collar crime, tax investigations and regulatory work.  We adopt an unashamedly old fashioned approach to helping our clients: we believe that hard work and preparation gets results.  The firm’s lawyers are dedicated to achieving the best possible results even in the most high profile cases.

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Simply complete this enquiry form and we will be in touch shortly regarding your enquiry.

Call us now on +44 (0)151 243 7500

Talent Alone is Not Enough to Win Cases

Many lawyers have raw talent, but the difference between winning and losing a criminal defence comes down to time. Even the most experienced criminal lawyer will fail unless he or she can devote sufficient time to the preparation of the client's defence. The hardest working criminal lawyer can devote only a certain number of hours to their practice each year. By taking on a limited number of cases each year, the firm ensures that their lawyers give their all.

All firms regulated by The Solicitors Regulation Authority are required to collect, report and publish data about the diversity make-up of their workforce annually. Please click here to view the diversity data of Hogan Brown.

Learn More Get in touch
Give us a call to discuss your case on our 24/7 number   +44 (0)151 243 7500